Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Famke Janssen Mystery Has Been Solved, Sort Of

Do you remember last month when actress Famke Janssen found a terrifying children's book in her bedroom, left there by persons or forces unknown? It was a very scary story, this coming home to find an eerie book about a doll in her bedroom, and we all wondered what could have happened. Security tapes showed no signs of a break-in, so it was a complete mystery. 

Well now the police are saying that Janssen owned the book all along. See, they found some to-do lists or something tucked into The Lonely Doll (that is what the book is called! Shrieeeeeek!!), so they figure that between that fact and there being no one on the security tapes, Janssen must have already owned the book. So, case closed. Except, um, not at all closed??? According to The New York Post, "Janssen is not expected to be charged with filing a false report because she honestly believes that someone broke into her apartment and planted the book." Which... Um. 

If Famke Janssen still doesn't think the book is hers, but the police think it is hers, what the heck is going on?? Is the NYPD gaslighting Famke Janssen? Is Famke Janssen buying children's books and then forgetting she bought them? Famke Janssen doesn't have any children as far as I'm aware. So why would she be buying children's books and then tucking lists into them and then forgetting about them? I mean, you all see what is happening here, don't you? It's exactly what we've all long suspected. It's ghosts. It's straight-up ghosts. 

Janssen needs to wrap all her mattresses in plastic and put her clothes in bags and then run screaming into the street because holy hell ghosts are leaving frightening children's books in her bedroom and now even the police don't believe her. This Post story is written as if everything is solved now, i's dotted and t's crossed, but to me this only poses more questions. So many more questions. Supernatural questions. Questions from the beyond. Famke, this is terrifying. You need to move. And maybe come to terms with something that happened back in your childhood in The Netherlands. Whatever ghostly story it is. Because it has followed you. And it is not going to stop. [The New York Post]